Mestex Shipmanagement Ltd.
Shipowners and Managers
since 2001


Mestex Shipmanagement has risen to become a leading force in the ship management field by adhering to an unequivocal commitment to quality and efficiency and providing totally customised modular services to satisfy each client’s requirements. The company is respected for its pioneering efforts in the implementation of safety of life at sea and safe ship and cargo operations as well as being a leader in the fight against pollution and other environmental hazards. We believe in establishing long-lasting relationships with our clients, partners, crew and employees, treating each other with respect, providing fully transparent services and operating with integrity.

Our robust Management System has been designed and was established to comply with all industry mandatory requirements, as well as with various ISO standards on a voluntary basis. It provides an efficient framework to achieve the company’s objectives and continuously improve our performance.

Through our focus on continuous improvement, we are able to provide tailored services which ensure cost-optimised solutions for all our valued clients and their vessels under management.

By adhering to best industry practices, Mestex Shipmanagement operates its fleet with maximum efficiency for an uninterrupted performance. Crew competence coupled with a strong safety culture makes us leaders in retention rates of employees and seagoing personnel.

Company commitment to excellence and continuous improvement together with our expertise
and passion has earned us a reputation as a worldwide top-quality ship manager.


To be the leading international provider of ship management and maritime services.


To keep our customers fully satisfied by managing and operating their ships to the highest levels of quality, safety, environmental friendliness, energy efficiency and economy, in accordance with their needs and expectations and in full compliance with international and national legislation, as well as other industry standards and guidelines, fully committed to zero accidents, zero losses, no harm to the environment and reduction in permitted emissions, and fully recognising the vital importance of all our employees, ashore and onboard, in achieving this Mission.










This Policy Statement is approved by the Company’s Top Management and is applicable to all Company’s employees, ashore and onboard ships. The Company is committed to communicating this Policy Statement to all employees, to any contractors working with or on behalf of the Company and to the public. The Company is further committed to providing all necessary resources for the implementation of this policy towards compliance of the Company’s Management System. This Policy Statement is subject to annual review by the Top Management for continued suitability.

  • Providing competent, safe, environmentally sound and cost effective services, which meet best industry standards;
  • Fully complying with all applicable national, regional and international rules and regulations;
  • Creating and implementing Industry Best Practices;
  • Striving for continual improvement in all areas of activity.
  • Providing excellent ship management, including tailor-made innovative services;
  • Meeting and exceeding customer requirements;
  • Focusing on enhancing customer satisfaction.
  • Providing a safe and healthy working environment for all employees;
  • Aiming for accident free operations;
  • Preventing human injury, loss of life and avoiding damage to property;
  • Assessing all risks to its ships, personnel and the environment and establishing appropriate safeguards;
  • Continuously promoting a safety culture;
  • Preparing to respond to any kind of emergency
  • Preserving and protecting natural resources;
  • Preventing any kind of pollution;
  • Reducing the impact resulting from its activities on the environment;
  • Controlling and improving the energy use, consumption and efficiency;
  • Ensuring security for personnel, vessels and office locations;
  • Using best endeavours for cyber security and cyber safety.
  • Supporting the business processes through selection, use and control of appropriate Information Technology.
  • Processing correctly and lawfully all personal data about its employees, customers, suppliers and other third parties.
  • Employing qualified, experienced and medically fit personnel;
  • Developing and upgrading personnel qualification and skills;
  • Providing adequate resources to ensure the welfare of personnel;
  • Enforcing disciplinary action and/or dismissing any employee who breaches the Company’s Policies and/or procedures, as well as the applicable rules and regulations, or fails to report any violation of them.
  • Strictly prohibiting employees to carry out duties whilst impaired by alcohol or any illegal or non-prescribed drug.
  • Preventing, detecting and reporting bribery;
  • Maintaining a ‘zero-tolerance’ stance towards any form of bribery
  • Ensuring the workplace is free of harassment for all employees;
  • Having ‘zero-tolerance’ to any harassment related to the race, ethnic or national origin, colour, gender, sexual orientation, religion, age, disability or other personal attribute of any employee, contractor, passenger or other third party;
  • Urging immediate reporting of any cases of harassment;
  • Investigating promptly, thoroughly and sensitively any reported cases.
  • Ensuring and promoting a free and anonymous reporting by all employees on any concerns or issues of non-compliance with rules & regulations or the Company’s Policies;
  • Investigating and following up any concerns submitted via the open reporting;
  • Prohibiting any retaliation against employees who report non-compliances.
  • Ensuring ethical conduct in business practice;
  • Promoting honesty, integrity and fairness in business;
  • Protecting all employees and the Company from illegal or damaging actions by individuals, either knowingly or unknowingly.


In line with the Policy Statement, the objective of Mestex Shipmanagement is to provide the customer with competent, safe, environmentally sound and cost-optimised services. We are committed to managing Health, Safety, Energy and Environmental matters as an integral part of excellence in the management and operation of ships.

The reference standards for this integrated approach are:

The following principles are the core of the company´s management system:

Safe ship operation, protection and conservation of the environment

Loss prevention

Providing the highest quality services to our customers

Providing services that satisfy internationally recognized management standards

Performance of all processes and activities in a controlled manner

Mestex Shipmanagement places high importance on conservation and protection of the environment.The company will ensure that every aspect of its activities is conducted in accordancewith our sound environmental practices.