Mestex Shipmanagement Ltd.
Shipowners and Managers
since 2001


It is our people with their individual qualities and personalities who distinguish our organisation. Recognising the importance of each team member, Mestex Shipmanagement enjoys the loyalty of its many committed long-term employees who are the driving force behind the constant improvement of our processes and services.

We know that good ideas can come from anywhere. Open two-way communication and a combination of top-down and bottom-up management style are key factors within our organisation worldwide.

The company welcomes individuals worldwide who have the right attitude, motivation and drive to be entrusted with tasks aboard and ashore.

‘We care’ focuses on recognising the absolute importance of growing a strong company culture with which its employees, crew and clients can readily and willingly identify and adopt.

Our core values are the cornerstone of Mestex Shipmanagement’s company culture that each single employee needs to understand, acknowledge and live by. In addition to our own personal values, these form the fundamental basis of “why” our employees feel connected to MESTEX Shipmanagement as an organisation.

We live by the ‘WE CARE’!